Don’t get lost in space

For the aerospace sector, we develop and manufacture robust precision optics for the highest demands on reliability and long-term stability. These include optical systems for satellite orientation in space or for weather and environmental observation. To cope with the special pressure conditions, extreme temperature fluctuations and acceleration loads, we rely on special materials, radiation-resistant coatings and intelligent mechanical solutions.


Our Expertise

Complete in-house process from design to development and production of optical systems

Many years of experience in dealing with demanding standards and specifications in the space context

Implementation of the highest requirements for process reliability, quality and documentation

Use of special coating technologies to minimise stray light

Processing of radiation-resistant glasses including qualified coatings

Intelligent mechanical solutions for weight reduction

Systems assembly and qualification under clean room conditions

Solution Examples & References

  • Star Sensor Objective Lenses for satellite orientation on fix stars
  • Prisms for satellite-based spectrometer systems for CO2 monitoring

Get expert advice

Sales Germany

Sabrina Matthias

Sales International

USA & Canada

POG Precision Optics Gera Corp.

Buzz Nesti, President

Glen Dunn, Sales Manager



Optics & Motion

Ruben Fainsod
